Deletes an Alfresco node identified by node_id. If the node is a folder then all the delete recurses through the primary children.

alf_node.delete(session, node_id, permanent = FALSE)



valid Alfresco repository session


node id to delete


indicates whether the node is permanently deleted or places in the trashcan where where it can be recovered from. FALSE by default.


# try to establish a connection to the alfresco content repository my_session <- tryCatch( alf_session("http://localhost:8080", "admin", "admin"), error = function(e) NULL) if (!is.null(my_session)) { # create document my_new_document <-, node_id="-root-", list( name = "example.txt", nodeType = "cm:content", relativePath = "example" )) # upload content my_new_document$content$update( system.file("extdata", "sample.txt", package="alfr")) # get details of document node my_document <- alf_node(my_session, relative_path = "example/example.txt") # output the name of the document print(my_document$name) # output the details of documents content print(my_document$content$mime_type) print(my_document$content$mime_type_name) print(my_document$content$size) print(my_document$content$encoding) # read document content my_content_file <- file(my_document$content$as.file(), "r") my_content <- readLines(my_content_file) close(my_content_file) print(my_content) # upload new content my_updated_document <- my_document$content$update( system.file("extdata", "modified_sample.txt", package="alfr")) # print updated content size print(my_updated_document$content$size) # delete document alf_node.delete(my_session, my_document$id) }